Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
made myself a livejournal account and will move anytime soon.
ripped this off chloe cos a 4 points entry about friday isn't good enough! we went to Wild Wild Wet cause Charmsy had free tickets in. I think we terrorised the children there, tsk tsk me likey:) We sat on the group float a million times, we even made friends with the lifeguards on duty, kept going "Hi it's us again!" each time we met them. Then the rides started to get a little boring, so we decided to make new rules for the ride. Y'know how almost everyone screams at the drops and violent turns? Well the first rule we made was: Cannot scream at all thoughout the whole ride. Oh boy you should've seen our faces! It was sooo hilarious watching Leah Dear suppressing her screams :D Thought she was gonna bleed from the nose from all the stiffled screams.
Then the second rule was: Don't scream until we reach the camera. The camera was like planted at the end of the slide, yeah, the part where there's no more turn or drops, basically it was just a really gentle slope. So, you can imagine all the weird looks we were getting from the people on the ground! Then the last rule was just plain stupid la: Scream all the way. So there was this part where we were really exhausted from screaming our lungs out and I was like eh don't stop leh, scream all the way! And someone was like NO MORE BREATH ALREADY LA. We are public nuisances.
Oh yes, we didn't want to ride on the single slides cause we had to take off our tops to ride on those slides. But that wasn't the deciding factor (for Leah & I), y'know what made us not want to ride that slide? It was the fat angmoh lifeguard standing at the foot of the slide. He looked like Santa Clause... minus the red suit. It was a disturbing sight.
Chloe: I want to ride that slide!
One of them: But look at him (points to naked Santa)
Chloe: Okay, i'd rather drown.
right okay pics are with me but i can't find my usb cable cos the whole house is in a mess. photos will appear soon!
ripped this off chloe cos a 4 points entry about friday isn't good enough! we went to Wild Wild Wet cause Charmsy had free tickets in. I think we terrorised the children there, tsk tsk me likey:) We sat on the group float a million times, we even made friends with the lifeguards on duty, kept going "Hi it's us again!" each time we met them. Then the rides started to get a little boring, so we decided to make new rules for the ride. Y'know how almost everyone screams at the drops and violent turns? Well the first rule we made was: Cannot scream at all thoughout the whole ride. Oh boy you should've seen our faces! It was sooo hilarious watching Leah Dear suppressing her screams :D Thought she was gonna bleed from the nose from all the stiffled screams.
Then the second rule was: Don't scream until we reach the camera. The camera was like planted at the end of the slide, yeah, the part where there's no more turn or drops, basically it was just a really gentle slope. So, you can imagine all the weird looks we were getting from the people on the ground! Then the last rule was just plain stupid la: Scream all the way. So there was this part where we were really exhausted from screaming our lungs out and I was like eh don't stop leh, scream all the way! And someone was like NO MORE BREATH ALREADY LA. We are public nuisances.
Oh yes, we didn't want to ride on the single slides cause we had to take off our tops to ride on those slides. But that wasn't the deciding factor (for Leah & I), y'know what made us not want to ride that slide? It was the fat angmoh lifeguard standing at the foot of the slide. He looked like Santa Clause... minus the red suit. It was a disturbing sight.
Chloe: I want to ride that slide!
One of them: But look at him (points to naked Santa)
Chloe: Okay, i'd rather drown.
right okay pics are with me but i can't find my usb cable cos the whole house is in a mess. photos will appear soon!
the art of losing

i've been pretty dead online these days cos i've been pretty busy and i'm too lazy to type everything out.
2. i nearly lost my phone and i was freaking out
3. this nice caucasian with a damn hot voice picked up my phone
4. kept calling myself with jayjay's phone and he called back but we didn't pick up so he called my daddy.
5. even though his voice is damn hot i didn't get to see him cos my daddy went to get my phone for me. (so i hope he's not some wentworth miller lookalike!)
6. will imagine that he looks like channing tatum/wentworth miller/ chace crawford cos i'm anal and i hate it when people i don't know/don't like touch my things; unless they are hot!
7. lovely dinner with them
8. camwhored like mad tourists but i look like crap in them and I WANT TO DELETE THEM OFF FACEBOOK BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW. somebody please teach me.
9. the dress i bought online came :D
1. training in the morning
2. wild wild wet with lovely bus stop buddies
3. screamed like hell.
4. it was very fun though
1. the sister's birthday
2. moved stuff over to the new house.
3. it's damn freaky to sleep at night
4. both houses are in a mess.
5. read cleo and discovered that louis vuitton is pronounced as LOUWEE WHEETONG (wtf?). why the hell is it WHEETONG? i thought it's veeton?
5. my appetite is like a man omg
1. metro sif - VERY BORING
okay whatever i'm gonna stop blogging in number it's annoying. can't wait for all the hot movies to come out and i can watch watch watch. im gonna go watch gossip girl!
and J, i will send you the photos soon. oh yeah haha why are you acting mysterious and calling yourself J?
Monday, November 12, 2007
what's in a name?

i finished watching why why love! these days i've been searching and searching and sourcing out nice sites which upload all kinds of dramas and whatsoever, and i'm really ultra excited now because i found LONG VACATION! hurr hurr omg it's some blooody old japanese show filmed like more a than decade ago and i remember staying up with my sister in primary school just to watch the very young takuya kimura! :D and it's in japanese with english subtitles, not the horribly dubbed mandarin which sounds so fake. yes and i'm staying up to watch this and am ignoring the fact that i have training tomorrow (like later) with the oh so very long train ride. i'm a major tv addict omg, but i'm proud of it cos i really love watching telly. oh yes the new tv went to the new house sometime last week. i cannot wait to start watching telly there :D
i'm so not a computer idiot anymore! one day i'll be one of those computer nerds and create codes and passwords everywhere. maybe i can become an online spy since i already am an online stalker hah. yup if you need information on someone you can try coming to me cos i'll help you find hurrrrr.
and i bought a cute little dress online just now! woo actually i would have preferred the other one but i was too slow and it was all sold out, which just proves that i have excellent taste aha.
well so yesterday (as in saturday), was steph's sexy seventeenth party!(: i finally saw darling choyyoke after many months :D ooh yes and zhuanzhuan, jiahui, pam, angie and everyone else(: cy, zhuanzhuan and i were hoping to look at some very nice boats (inside joke). but the most we saw were a few raft boats here and there, which was very, very sad cos i was hoping i would see an ocean liner. then we camwhored here and there and talked about cy's hair eating boyfriend haha.
ah enough enough i must get back to takuya kimura and his very soothing voice. and i promise after watching a few more dramas here and there, i'll be the good girl who'll study her ass off!
Friday, November 9, 2007
you are a wonder.

well well well, the past week has been pretty nice spending time with people i like(: today (technically yesterday), i went to the airport with jessey and vinci(: hohum fel overslept and shikin couldn't make it but it was a pretty nice trip(: took some photos here and there and camwhored by myself hah. oooh then it was town after that, and i managed to survive with only 20 measly bucks. i'm down with 4 bucks now woo.
halfway i started having cramps and on the way to town i felt like dying. like seriously dying. that led to me having no mood to window shop. downed a nice hot glass of hot chocolate and it was love(: and omg i'm finally becoming a normal being! the time of the month comes regularly now, and it comes along with breakouts and cramps. like omg last time it was never like that and i thought i was abnormal.
my modem is being blooody annoying and it can barely connect to anything. jessey and i are really crazy over gossip girl! I LOVE LOVE LOVE GOSSIP GIRL(: even though they're rich, hot and bitchy, their friendships are to a certain extent, pretty fake, and i guess that happens to most of us as well. oh nate oh nateeeeeee. yes i love it! ooh and i started watching this other taiwanese show called why why love and i'm gonna start on romantic princess too. and all this shall be done through watching it online(: i seriously wonder how people survived before shows could be watched online. oh wait they'd have been like my mummy, buying all the shows. gee.
yuck and i have to go to school later even though i don't want to.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me

look at the green shoes! those are the topshop ones i that i want! :( OH WHY OH WHY ARE THEY NOT IN SINGAPOREEEEE? but i decided i shall be content with my stupid ugly chucks cos i'm flat broke.
omg and i realize everyone makes a TO DO list when the holidays come, like learning something new, or exercising and blahblah. i only make a shopping list :/ everyone needs new clothes so it's good to have some retail therapy yes?
yes so on friday i went out with jessey, vinci, felicia, shikin and lihui(like later). hoho i bought my sexy grey skinnies which i absolutely adore!(: yummy yummy! and then ermmmmm, we went to damn a lot of places. wisma, fareast, marina square, vivo, lau par sat(?) and bugis. omg haha so much walking! and we took nice photos but i don't have them yet cos i've been lazy and haven't been coming online. anyway who said our class is divided and yucky? when there's shopping, the division is gone! ooh yes at fareast we all bought oversized shirts! haha how cute we're gonna wear them to our class outing(: and even though i absolutely hate blue, i bought a nice gorgeous blue shirt!
yes and vinci went all the way back to bugis with me so i could buy the white topshop bag(: you're a friend and i love you(: but she'll never read this cos she's not even online! even though she thinks shes a sophisticated kitten (when she isn't), i guess she can pass for one ha! yup, and it was great spending time with jessey(: i can't wait for more hot dates with you sweetie(: it's been lovely spending those long awful hours of chinese with you and the many many breaks we give ourselves! loveeee <3
yesterday we went to ikea to buy furniture. well my room's not exactly white and pink but it's nearly there. i love the meatballs :D cabbed to the new house to check it out again and sissypoo and i popped by the gym. it felt good. went back home at night and spent sisterly time together(: she helped me cut my insertyourownword (but i'm thinking disgusting, ugly and curling?) fringe, and i changed my parting! i'm so freaking cheapo. she cuts better than the stupid woman at the salon i went to and i paid $40 to look exactly the same. ooh yes and i changed my parting and i have side swept fringe once again! gone are the awful days of pinning all my hair up and looking like some swollen fishball!
today i had mac with my sister then we went shopping(: we bought peeptoes and she bought some comfy pumps. oh yes and i bought my faded denim shorts(: and they're gonna open a cotton on body! how cool is that? i can buy cheap cheap undies :D how lovely.
YES AND SO I'M GONNA BE SO SO NERDY AND TOP THE DAMN SCHOOL NEXT YEAR HAH! and this is only happening because i only have 20bucks to last me this week and the freaking week hasn't even started properly! maybe my daddy will forget he gave me my allowance and give me again!
Friday, November 2, 2007
did you fall for a shooting star?

oh my my the lovely holidays have started and hohum it's yummy! the past week i visited weisong at the hospital, went shopping, had chinese As, bummed around watching this korean drama, shopped some more, went to vinci's house to do pw, went bugis to buy ultra drop dead cheap stuff, and err, that's about it haha.
oh yes i must blog about the day we had chinese As! hahahah! so jessey, cecilia and i had lunch at longjohns and for some reason or another (hurrhurr cannot say here) we went inside the food court haha. then i wanted to eat honeydew sago and jessey wanted to eat red ruby, so we ate! and then whatever reason we went into the food court CAME TRUE MY MY. ahhah! okay i dont even understand what i just typed.
SUCKER PW IS FINALLY OVERRRRRRRRRR WOOOOHOOO! i really really hate PW i tell you. even the stupid OP yesterday was screwed up omg. one of my examiners was the teacher who hates me (the only one i complained about in the past entries). OMG LAH. and he laughed at my ic! so i did look like a nightmare then lah :( and then i was really nervous and i spoke superbly fast even i was a bit freaked at the speed i was talking. he asked me my question and it was so difficult i was stunned. i was thinking WTF! well at least it's over.
so to reward myself i went to bugis with some lovely people to shop. woah omg ultra cheap i nearly died. bought a top and cute shoes. we went to topshop and it was supposed to be an amazing sale damn it, but then we returned 1 hour later and the stuff mysteriously disappeared :( i saw green topshop sneakers (the keddy kind) on the site last week, but yesterday it wasn't even on the site! (i checked, and it's on the LAST CHANCE TO BUY category). WHY LIKE THAT! AND IT WASN'T EVEN IN THE STUPID SHOP. all the ugly ones are there, but the green one is too nice. i'm going to another outlet tomorrow, I DON'T CARE. and maybe get the bag that's 50% cheaper :D it really is very photogenic and i intend to take lots of photos with it.
omg and cos i was really tired i slept early and i had a nightmare. i freaking dreamt that either my group/i got E for pw. what the hell lah. who even dreams such stuff? i'm becoming a loser with no life omg, somebody stab me. then after that i dreamt that i was a superhero and i saved lives hahaha.
today i'm going out with some of the girls in class and it's gonna be hell lot of fun cos i foresee lots of shopppinnggggggg!<3
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