look at the green shoes! those are the topshop ones i that i want! :( OH WHY OH WHY ARE THEY NOT IN SINGAPOREEEEE? but i decided i shall be content with my stupid ugly chucks cos i'm flat broke.
omg and i realize everyone makes a TO DO list when the holidays come, like learning something new, or exercising and blahblah. i only make a shopping list :/ everyone needs new clothes so it's good to have some retail therapy yes?
yes so on friday i went out with jessey, vinci, felicia, shikin and lihui(like later). hoho i bought my sexy grey skinnies which i absolutely adore!(: yummy yummy! and then ermmmmm, we went to damn a lot of places. wisma, fareast, marina square, vivo, lau par sat(?) and bugis. omg haha so much walking! and we took nice photos but i don't have them yet cos i've been lazy and haven't been coming online. anyway who said our class is divided and yucky? when there's shopping, the division is gone! ooh yes at fareast we all bought oversized shirts! haha how cute we're gonna wear them to our class outing(: and even though i absolutely hate blue, i bought a nice gorgeous blue shirt!
yes and vinci went all the way back to bugis with me so i could buy the white topshop bag(: you're a friend and i love you(: but she'll never read this cos she's not even online! even though she thinks shes a sophisticated kitten (when she isn't), i guess she can pass for one ha! yup, and it was great spending time with jessey(: i can't wait for more hot dates with you sweetie(: it's been lovely spending those long awful hours of chinese with you and the many many breaks we give ourselves! loveeee <3
yesterday we went to ikea to buy furniture. well my room's not exactly white and pink but it's nearly there. i love the meatballs :D cabbed to the new house to check it out again and sissypoo and i popped by the gym. it felt good. went back home at night and spent sisterly time together(: she helped me cut my insertyourownword (but i'm thinking disgusting, ugly and curling?) fringe, and i changed my parting! i'm so freaking cheapo. she cuts better than the stupid woman at the salon i went to and i paid $40 to look exactly the same. ooh yes and i changed my parting and i have side swept fringe once again! gone are the awful days of pinning all my hair up and looking like some swollen fishball!
today i had mac with my sister then we went shopping(: we bought peeptoes and she bought some comfy pumps. oh yes and i bought my faded denim shorts(: and they're gonna open a cotton on body! how cool is that? i can buy cheap cheap undies :D how lovely.
YES AND SO I'M GONNA BE SO SO NERDY AND TOP THE DAMN SCHOOL NEXT YEAR HAH! and this is only happening because i only have 20bucks to last me this week and the freaking week hasn't even started properly! maybe my daddy will forget he gave me my allowance and give me again!