oh my my the lovely holidays have started and hohum it's yummy! the past week i visited weisong at the hospital, went shopping, had chinese As, bummed around watching this korean drama, shopped some more, went to vinci's house to do pw, went bugis to buy ultra drop dead cheap stuff, and err, that's about it haha.
oh yes i must blog about the day we had chinese As! hahahah! so jessey, cecilia and i had lunch at longjohns and for some reason or another (hurrhurr cannot say here) we went inside the food court haha. then i wanted to eat honeydew sago and jessey wanted to eat red ruby, so we ate! and then whatever reason we went into the food court CAME TRUE MY MY. ahhah! okay i dont even understand what i just typed.
SUCKER PW IS FINALLY OVERRRRRRRRRR WOOOOHOOO! i really really hate PW i tell you. even the stupid OP yesterday was screwed up omg. one of my examiners was the teacher who hates me (the only one i complained about in the past entries). OMG LAH. and he laughed at my ic! so i did look like a nightmare then lah :( and then i was really nervous and i spoke superbly fast even i was a bit freaked at the speed i was talking. he asked me my question and it was so difficult i was stunned. i was thinking WTF! well at least it's over.
so to reward myself i went to bugis with some lovely people to shop. woah omg ultra cheap i nearly died. bought a top and cute shoes. we went to topshop and it was supposed to be an amazing sale damn it, but then we returned 1 hour later and the stuff mysteriously disappeared :( i saw green topshop sneakers (the keddy kind) on the site last week, but yesterday it wasn't even on the site! (i checked, and it's on the LAST CHANCE TO BUY category). WHY LIKE THAT! AND IT WASN'T EVEN IN THE STUPID SHOP. all the ugly ones are there, but the green one is too nice. i'm going to another outlet tomorrow, I DON'T CARE. and maybe get the bag that's 50% cheaper :D it really is very photogenic and i intend to take lots of photos with it.
omg and cos i was really tired i slept early and i had a nightmare. i freaking dreamt that either my group/i got E for pw. what the hell lah. who even dreams such stuff? i'm becoming a loser with no life omg, somebody stab me. then after that i dreamt that i was a superhero and i saved lives hahaha.
today i'm going out with some of the girls in class and it's gonna be hell lot of fun cos i foresee lots of shopppinnggggggg!<3