well well well, the past week has been pretty nice spending time with people i like(: today (technically yesterday), i went to the airport with jessey and vinci(: hohum fel overslept and shikin couldn't make it but it was a pretty nice trip(: took some photos here and there and camwhored by myself hah. oooh then it was town after that, and i managed to survive with only 20 measly bucks. i'm down with 4 bucks now woo.
halfway i started having cramps and on the way to town i felt like dying. like seriously dying. that led to me having no mood to window shop. downed a nice hot glass of hot chocolate and it was love(: and omg i'm finally becoming a normal being! the time of the month comes regularly now, and it comes along with breakouts and cramps. like omg last time it was never like that and i thought i was abnormal.
my modem is being blooody annoying and it can barely connect to anything. jessey and i are really crazy over gossip girl! I LOVE LOVE LOVE GOSSIP GIRL(: even though they're rich, hot and bitchy, their friendships are to a certain extent, pretty fake, and i guess that happens to most of us as well. oh nate oh nateeeeeee. yes i love it! ooh and i started watching this other taiwanese show called why why love and i'm gonna start on romantic princess too. and all this shall be done through watching it online(: i seriously wonder how people survived before shows could be watched online. oh wait they'd have been like my mummy, buying all the shows. gee.
yuck and i have to go to school later even though i don't want to.