i finished watching why why love! these days i've been searching and searching and sourcing out nice sites which upload all kinds of dramas and whatsoever, and i'm really ultra excited now because i found LONG VACATION! hurr hurr omg it's some blooody old japanese show filmed like more a than decade ago and i remember staying up with my sister in primary school just to watch the very young takuya kimura! :D and it's in japanese with english subtitles, not the horribly dubbed mandarin which sounds so fake. yes and i'm staying up to watch this and am ignoring the fact that i have training tomorrow (like later) with the oh so very long train ride. i'm a major tv addict omg, but i'm proud of it cos i really love watching telly. oh yes the new tv went to the new house sometime last week. i cannot wait to start watching telly there :D
i'm so not a computer idiot anymore! one day i'll be one of those computer nerds and create codes and passwords everywhere. maybe i can become an online spy since i already am an online stalker hah. yup if you need information on someone you can try coming to me cos i'll help you find hurrrrr.
and i bought a cute little dress online just now! woo actually i would have preferred the other one but i was too slow and it was all sold out, which just proves that i have excellent taste aha.
well so yesterday (as in saturday), was steph's sexy seventeenth party!(: i finally saw darling choyyoke after many months :D ooh yes and zhuanzhuan, jiahui, pam, angie and everyone else(: cy, zhuanzhuan and i were hoping to look at some very nice boats (inside joke). but the most we saw were a few raft boats here and there, which was very, very sad cos i was hoping i would see an ocean liner. then we camwhored here and there and talked about cy's hair eating boyfriend haha.
ah enough enough i must get back to takuya kimura and his very soothing voice. and i promise after watching a few more dramas here and there, i'll be the good girl who'll study her ass off!