I saw Miss Goh's obituary in the newspaper today.
TODAY WAS THE WORST DAY EVER. I was feeling very groggy when I woke up, so I just stuck my contacts into my eyes without thinking very much. While waiting for Chloe, my left eye got real uncomfortable so I thought the lens shifted out of my eye, so I rubbed it and omg, my eye suddenly had that ULTRA STINGY feeling and before I knew it I was tearing like hell. Imagine how emo I must look, sitting alone tearing. Anyway so I fished out my Revlon mirror (THANK GOD I BROUGHT IT. I WAS CONTEMPLATING IF I SHOULD LEAVE MY HELLO KITTY MIRROR AND THE REVLON MIRROR AT HOME) and discovered that I couldn't see the lens anywhere around my damn eye. I started freaking out and was poking around my eye to see where the bloody lens was. Then all the horror stories that my mother tried to scare me with started APPEARING in my damn head. One story was how the contact lens got stuck behind the eye or don't know what and the girl went blind. So I was thinking I'M GONNA GO BLIND. Omg it was so scary. Thank god for Chloe, who finally got the lens out of my eye. It was at the side of my eye for god's sake. Yes and I was cursing non-stop cos I was too freaked. So thanks a bang Chloe!
And so because of all the trauma I went through, my eye was hurting like hell so I refused to participate during the lesson. And SOMEBODY hates me because I'm not a freaking size 0, and he called me fat? Okay fine I'm fat, but he isn't exactly the epitome of hotness so I don't see why he's being such a bitch. And, previously he gave me several names which did not exactly describe my behaviour. This is extreme biasedness I tell you. This is a classic example of sizeism, except that I'm not overweight, or maybe it's lookism. BAH. I am a victim of bullying oh god.
Yes and during recess we were ranting and ranting and I came up with a fabulous strategy to treat such people.
And I wonder why I have become such a cynical bitch.
Yesterday was quite embarrassing cos I think my hottie knows I eyecandy him! Ah the horrors! But after today I'm not that sure anymore. But just now I was looking around online and OMG I FOUND OUT RATHER DISTURBING THINGS I NEED TO TELL SOMEONE NOW NOW NOW.
Yes so the day was agonizingly painful because we had a Lit written assignment=test=BAD. I have no idea what the poem was talking about. No idea at all. And with all the many SOMEBODIES who treat me like I'm not worth anything at all, my day was totally spoilt. What a joke. A freaking nobody trying to comment on things which don't concern him at all. I sincerely believe that unless you are a perfect human being with absolutely no flaws, you have no right to comment at all.
Nonetheless, CERTAIN THINGS can make it all right. Pretty sightings of that hot one do help! And spending time looking at skincare after school is a perfect way to make one feel delighted. Mel and I bought some facial foam and moisturiser and I hurriedly went home to bathe and try out my new facial foam. OMG IT IS GOOD STUFF I TELL YOU. Very good stuff. I foresee that flawless complexion coming my way hur hur hurrrrrr!
On an even lighter note, yours truly is gonna meet up with her favourite mg loves tomorrow and there's no school till next weeek HOOOOOOOOORAY. I enjoy doing plenty of homework! I LOVE NATIONAL DAY(: