Hellooooo! I'm learning how to play Marriage d'Amour! Omg I'm such an excellent example of LIFE LONG LEARNING. Who ever bothers to learn how to play a piano piece after the traumatic grade 8 exam (which took place last year and I'm still extremely sore about it). Yes so I'm extremely in love with it and I will memorise it by the end of the year, along with Canon in D, which I've been trying to memorise since sec2 hahaha. I shall look for a simpler version!
Wednesday was a great day cos it was HALF DAY AND I MET UP WITH MY FAVOURITE HONEYSSS! I totally LOVEEEEEEEE public holidays and the celebrations(: The celebrations were boring and pathetic. The only highlight was the guy who could change his face. Haha then charms was telling us about her EMBARRASSING STORY. Omg everytime I think about it I want to laugh cos it's such a joke. Anyway but I was very sad cos Zhuanzhuan, Joanne and Nic didn't come in the end :( BOOO! Zhuanzhuan you have such importance in my life! I actually didn't want to go cos you weren't going. I DESERVE A PRIZE FOR BEING SO SWEEEEEEEET! :D I saw Jamiepok with her friends! And Emelia was telling me they saw a NIGHTMARE, who is apparently now very popular with guys. Are the guys blind or what hahahah?
Yes yes so we went to our favourite Sushi Tei. I shall just next to Niku Udon from now on. Yummy yummy I ate till I wanted to die. It was great catching up with all the lovelies and talking about interesting stuff(: I bought myself a very cute Strawberry Shortcake water bottle! I still love Strawberry Shortcake a lot a lot(:
We bought Mrs Tee a card! (Yes despite the fact that she wasn't the most excellent teacher). Yup so I was a happy girl cos I LOVE MEETING UP WITH LOVELY BABES(: Can't wait to catch up with you all again! Love love love!
Studied with Jamiepok yesterday! It was very tiring, but lunch was very enjoyable! The National Day Parade was special but not thaaaaaaat fantastic. Right then oh yes, I LOVE FIREWORKS :D
Today I cut my hair! My my I went to the Kimage at such an isolated place. I felt very vulnerable when the woman was shampooing my hair! I felt so comfortable I nearly fell asleep. Then I kept thinking about those silly tv shows where the person would wake up and my my something has happened! So I felt quite uncomfortable in the end. Had Macs with my sister after that(: SISTERLY BONDING :D PW meeting got cancelled and I couldn't find anyone free cos it was too last minute so I spent quality time by myself in front of the telly today! I'm almost done watching Spring Waltz! Just another 2hours more(: Omg it was so heart-wrenching and painful and sad and I cried like hell. How the hell do people ever love each other so much until they inflict pain on themselves? I wouldn't!
And so while I was bawling my eyes out, CHARMS CALLED AND SAID that my oh so hot one was freaking watching the same movie as her in the same damn cinema. After I hung up I decided it was a much better choice to be in front of the telly feeling sad for the star-crossed lovers than see him outside school. Seeing him in school is awful, it'll be worse in public. I think I will puke. But now, I don't really care. Maybe if it was say, Channing Tatum, then it'll be a whole different story
I wanna watch OC! I haven't watched it since last month :( But I have stupid tests next week! And untouched homework :( Yuck! But I should stop being lazy! Promos are coming :/ My secret wish was to get TRIPLE As. Now I shall just be content with triple Es?
I'm listening to Marriage d'Amour now. The speed at which the person is playing is psychotic.
These days I've been doing some thinking. Maybe I actually like simplicity. Some matters are just so complicated they'll never be sorted out even if you spend a lifetime trying. And the roller coaster of emotions, which turns the world upside down is disgusting.