Dinner on Friday with my pretty eyecandy in sight. There's some problem with the complexion, but surprisingly I still like it :/ Anyway, yesterday was the rather failure open house, since I don't recall seeing any would-be students hanging around the school. Well, there was nothing much to do other than rot around with Chloe, buy ice jellies and camwhore. Managed to steal all these from ADEWADE MY FAVOURITE CAPTAINNYPOOOO!

The pretty girls and me(:

I look pretty retarded there.
Saw Jamiepok(: I haven't uploaded those on my phone so there's no picture of her! Ooh yes how could i forget! MASSY MAS MY SUPERSTAR SERENADED TO ME ME ME! That girl is good.
After tuition I was waiting for the bus home and the wait was too long, so I started to think about the weirdest things in the world, and I started to feel very er, I guess I would call it loserly? I whined like hell to Chloe, so thank you pjbestie for actually replying(: Let's just say that if somebody ever decided to whine in such a way to me, I wouldn't bother to reply. Oops?
I instantly fell asleep in front of the telly after dinner. Omg I was quite ashamed of myself when I woke up this morning haha.
Training tomorrow! I seriously can't wait for this week! :D What with National Day and half days, I get to spend time with my sec4 lovelies! Can't wait for all the juicy gossip and reminiscing and squealing and wailing again(: Yes yes not to forget PHOTOS! <33
Damn I haven't started on a single piece of homework that's due tomorrow yet. There's math tutorial, 2 chinese compos, and plenty of reading and catching up to do! But the night is still young, so there's no need to fret meijin! NO NEED AT ALL.
Maybe I should go eat some dinner before I start work.