Friday, October 5, 2007
Fly to the other end of the world.
well i would love to update loads about the sexy chalet but i have a short term memory and everything kinda left my head already. when photos arrive they'll be up here.
i'm so freaking burnt i can't tote my bags anymore cos my shoulder is red. yes but my face has been spared the agony because i practically bathed my whole face in whitening cream and now i look i'm in the pink of health! (unlike chloe who is now a head turner with her scalded looking face hurrrrrr)
yesterday was spent with chloe. she told the bus driver to throw away her bubble tea. my god. and because i have so much compassion for the world, i paid for her bubble tea(: and hahaha you should have seen how people stared at her and her burn.
so we bought leah's present, and you better like it since we spent a bomb on it (okay we didn't). town was borrrrrrrrring. it was relatively upsetting cos i wanted to buy things for myself and spend money. topshop looked exactly the same as the last time i went there, minus the fact that the pretty accessories have vanished. there was a BIRD HOUSE necklace. wtf, who the hell would ever wear that?
lalala and then oh yes, we got conned into buying a pen to help people get back into society or whatever, and the pen barely has ink. i think the guy printed his own information out to get people to "donate".
but why does fareast look so very different? At mondo i tried on the sexiest killer heels in my whole life, but i had to regretfully plonk it back on the shelf. oh yes and i sprayed the Young Sexy Lovely by Yves Saint Laurent. it smells delightful and i want to buy it. omg i can still catch a whiff of it on my wrist, how cool can this get? and i sat on 105 for the first time in my life, and we talked about a very useless, sucky school.
okay actually i have no idea what else happened yesterday and this is one boring update.
right so leah's party's on laterrrrrrr and it'll be fun(: