Monday, September 3, 2007

Honey, this is going nowhere.


Blooody wireless. I have some virus now cos my friend accidentally sent to me. AND it keeps hanging the damn computer.

My god on Sunday I fell asleep in front of the dear old telly at 7pm! Horrors of all horrors, and I woke up at 12 hours later, which is rather disturbing.

Today I tried to embrace those lecture notes.

It was pretty disgusting attempting to study but I had fun hanging by myself. I think I'm actually antisocial haha. I kinda like the idea of spending time alone cos it's therapeutic. Listening to old school music made me somewhat happy too.

But seriously, promos are in 18 days, yet I've never felt so, I would call it unprepared? There are just too many things to work on. Too many. Okay I'm beginning to rant.

I shall just shut up and go sleep.