Excellent. I'm superbly proud of myself. Yours truly just rejected her favourite sinful food in the world for something healthier. My my.
Had ice-cream in school on Friday! Cool cool cool, it was yummy :D Canceled our afternoon out at town because the sun was burning too mercilessly. Hung around school and had fun in the library! I sound so loserish but the library's cool. Gossip session in the library(: Found out some pretty disturbing stuff about certain people. I never knew people could get so desperate! Missed my chance with THE OH SO HOT ONE when Sharon went to play tennis. Damn, I should have gone to help her pick up balls or something hurrr. Had ice-cream again when the cafe was gonna close, and they gave us a huge helping. However I thought they were highly annoying as they kept saying "WE ONLY MIX FLAVOURS COS NOW GOT NOT ENOUGH OKAY" Like hello, I'm sure we all know about your thriftiness?
Call me a loser but I saw a Nintendo DS Lite for the first time in my life on Friday.

Hot? I want one! And it's COTTON CANDY PINK :D But they should have a hot pink one or something. Vinci has the white one and Mel and I played with it during CIP. Haha yes we're getting our CIP hours by playing Nintendo. We offered to look after bags? There were attempted tries by people to steal our bags! But we warded them off with the NINTENDO! Hah.
Dinner with my favourite girls(: It was great! We should have more dinner sessions, sweets!
Had cramps yesterday and I thought I was gonna give birth. I was in excruciating pain. Then I slept and woke up with a fever :/ Didn't go for tuition or pw. I hope my group members don't think I'm a flake :/ Okay so basically I spent my day sleeping and moaning, and I slept for 23 hours. Amazing. Sleep is bliss(: But shit, today's like hell cos I gotta cram all my work and study for the tests coming up!I love History so much I WILL SCORE!
Training tomorrow! I haven't really been going for trainings, so I hope I don't pant and die of overwork tomorrow!
I can't wait for Wednesday!(: FOUNDERS!<3 I get to see my favourite babes again(: I foresee lots of catching up, gossiping and reminiscing! And of course, stepping into lovely MG again! :D