Ooh Founder's Day was awesome!(: I love everything about MG! Going back once again really brought back lovely memories of the past decade. We totally pigged out at the reception aha(: And we talked and laughed and gossiped and it was great.
Yes but damn it, I wish I studied harder and got that point less and squeeze my way into that dream school. Seeing 80% of your friends all decked in AC blazers is not a very nice feeling, especially when you're wearing some insert-your-own-word blazer. But other than that, which I decided to get over since there's no way that will ever happen, I was a very happy girl(: Got my graduation cert and I feel sad! The graduation cert's real sweet.

It says something like "You came to us as a child, and now it's time for you to go" and how "We can only have well wishes for you" or something along that line. It's so damn sweet omg I want to be a child again :(
Took damn a lot of photos with friends and of the school. Pigged out some more at Leah's house. Omg the walk to her house was so nostalgic. It really was a bittersweet feeling :(

I remember I called it my second home, cos she lived opposite school, and when I didn't feel like going home after school, I'd pop by her house. And whenever I needed to waste time along the way, I'd go there too. However, it was my second time to her house this year. The first was cos of Thanksgiving Service.
Would love to put up many many many photos in this entry but I had a bad hair day :/ So I shall put up one with my favourite indian inside! I MISS YOU TWO PRILLSY AND SANGWAAAAAAA <3 But you'll never read this.

Signed out of school yesterday cos my gastric was being shitty and it was damn painful. Went to the doctor and apparently I have food poisoning. Oh yeah on Saturday I thought I had cramps, but nope it was actually my gastric hurting! So scary lah. I can't drink milk :( Anyway so I got an MC for today, but I had to go to school for Math re-retest. Yeah the retest of a retest haha. Wooo but I finally saw my hottie again after many many days :D But I couldn't see properly cos my left contacts either dropped out/never went into my eye. There's something wrong with my left eye. Everytime anything happens to my contacts, it's the left eye.
Oh yes and and I got a photo of my hottie and showed it to various people on Founder's. Wooo they say he's not bad(: Totally made my day haha!
I'm off to watch telly! I suddenly miss watching Ron Ng! :D My favourite Hong Kong actor along with Edison(: Haha no actually most of my favourite Chinese actors are all from Hong Kong. Lalala.